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We at Cadenza Music Industry Management LLC believe in the freedom of speech and the ability to express yourself how you want. Nevertheless, certain categories of content and behavior are prohibited on and can result in a suspension of your account or Organization.

The following items are not allowed on our site:

  • Illegal content and conduct: No explanation needed.
  • Violation of intellectual property rights: If you're uncertain about whether you have the rights to use the content you want to upload, it's generally advisable to seek permission from the content owner before republishing it.
  • Pornography: We understand that there can be varying interpretations, but in our context, we generally define pornography as visual representations of sexually explicit acts.
  • Harmful technological content: Please refrain from sharing or linking to harmful software such as malware, spyware, adware, or any other malicious or destructive code.
  • Impersonation: Please avoid misrepresenting yourself as a person or organization that you are not. This also includes using another customer's username or password without proper authorization.
  • Security Risk: Customers are strictly prohibited from engaging in any activities that compromise the security of our services or servers. This includes but is not limited to the following actions: (1) accessing data not intended for the customer or attempting to log into a server or account without proper authorization; (2) probing, scanning, or testing the systems or networks for vulnerabilities; (3) meddling with services provided to other customers; (4) attempting to access data not intentionally made available; (5) taking any actions that could damage or impair our services or Company Servers; and (6) breaching any security systems, protocols, network security, or security features inherent to our services or servers. These actions are strictly prohibited, and any attempt to engage in them will result in appropriate action being taken.
  • Threatening material: Please refrain from making genuine threats of violence, including calls for harm or death to specific individuals or groups. Note that this does not mean we will remove all hyperbolic or offensive language.
  • Sharing private information: Please avoid sharing an individual's personal information without their consent. This includes the collection of sensitive information through a 'Contact Us' form that might be available on an Organization's generated Public Site.

We reserve the right to make interpretations if a reported user or organization is found to have violated these guidelines. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and may be subject to future changes.

If you believe a user or Organization has violated our Terms of Service or any of policies mentioned above, please report this person(s) using our Contact Us page or at [email protected]. We aim to quickly review and investigate all reported issues, but our response may vary based on factors like available information and the nature of the violation. We may also contact the person(s) involved to inform them of the reported complaint.

If we are unable to make a decision regarding the observed material or behavior, we will defer to the courts.